50 men: making it count

Like a dog with a bone, I’m just going to keep chewing your ear about the trip up to Brisbane…

We’ve had a bit of conversation about the event, chewed over the controversy, given credit where credit was due, now I’d love to hear what guys are doing in response. It was great to hear about a couple of guys going along to some of the fatherhood festival last weekend – taking that important role of raising sons and daughters seriously. What else has been happening?

A few people have asked about getting hold of the DVD to watch at home with wives etc. We’ll be getting a copy soon at the office and I’ll let you know when that arrives. In the meantime, you can download the audio and access a bunch of other useful resources at the website at http://www.300menforjesus.com/.

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7 comments on “50 men: making it count
  1. Trev Voltz says:

    Its amazing after listening to Marks talk quiet a few times now how much truth is in this talk . For me I had been working that day so my mind was going into sleep mode as by the time we arrived in Lismore that night or was that the next morning I had been awake for 26hrs.
    So thats why I ended up buying the cd so I could listen to it with a clear mind and an open heart to change my ways so they become Gods way, I even drove to Kingscliff with my wife so we could listen to the talk together which has created discussion as my role in my family and the lack of it but for me this is a new being to take on the leadership that God requires me to do as a husband,father and a christian male in the church and in life generally.
    Is Marks talk worth listening to , it sure is but i recommend listening to it a couple of times . I love his honesty on how lazy we Aussie males and I’d like to thank Pete for organizing the tickets and for the guys who have contributed to the discussion on the website. So whats our church going to I am excited to see.
    Lets go beyond the discussion lets put it into action now not wait for the message to fade from our minds in which we have a habit of doing.
    Come on brothers we can do it.

  2. Matt Crosthwaite says:

    Yes Trevor, the talk is well worth listening to a few times. Several guys have copies (including me) if anyone wants to borrow it.

    You’re right – we need to be men of action (i.e. real men). We need to keep discussions going in order to “spur one another on”.

    So much was covered in Marks talk. I’d like to know what specific areas guys have been challenged in (or struggling with) so that we can target some real issues together.

    If we’re going to allow the spirit to make these changes in our lives, then we need to be prepared to be asked some difficult questions and be prepared to give honest answers.

    Blokes: Don’t be skirts, I’ll expect some heat at morning tea on Sunday.

    As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Prov 27:17

  3. steve says:

    thanks Pete and Trev and Matt for keeping the dialogue going on this – and the especially for the “don’t be skirts” challenge Matt! love it.

    I’m hoping blokes go bush (only a couple of months off) will give us a chance to revisit the challenges from Brisbane and process them a bit more as men of the church. Catching blokes one-on-one from our small groups in the meantime – and as you say Matt – some straight-shooting talk at morning tea – grabbing every opportunity – let’s get into it.

    Here’s a conversation-starter: how do you blokes lead your family in keeping God’s Word central to your homes? What ideas can we share to help each other in this?

    I’ve found the simpler the better. 10 mins at breakfast. A family bible with a big bookmark in it. Reading 10 or so verses at a time (John’s gospel at the moment). And then just TALK. The kids have lots of questions. And the just PRAY – round the circle – short prayers from the passage and about living it in the day ahead. It’s amazing how much you can cover even in just 10 or so minutes. Keeping it daily has been the key. There’s lots else I need to step up to beyond that, but I know it’s a good start.

    How about you blokes?

  4. Trev Voltz says:

    For Me Steve its putting God back into the centre of family is the major one I need to work on, blowing the dust of my bible and reading it to my kids and wife sharing what I learn from it and listening to what my kids and Rach learn too & seeing their lives being changed by the words of God. Mornings for me our out but evenings are where I will have to aim even when I am tired and surrender watching TV as Rach puts it turn off the “girl friend” and spend time with me.
    Spend time playing with them being a dad instead of the bloke that lives in the house and eats all the food and grunts and scratchs occasionally.

    Get back into reading a book with Rach whether its non fiction, fiction or a christian book on parenting, marriage etc. Pray with her on a constant basis not every 2 years. Spend time with her without the kids, share my pains my joys, and my weaknesses and talk about were we would like to see our family.

    Basically as Matt puts it take off my “skirt” and be a man but not just any man but a man that lives a life that please God through obedience to His word to be a leader in my family leading with His words. Its time for me to get real about being a man.

  5. Matt Crosthwaite says:

    Thanks for your honesty Trev. I look forward to catching up with you soon.

    Don’t let me get off lightly here though! I also need to change so many things in my life to improve as a Role model to Sue & the kids.

    Family Bible reading is definately a great place to start. We spend time in Gods word and prayer after dinner (early dinner is the key here – not easy, but worth it (thanks Sue)). You’re absolutely right Steve, daily, simple and to the point. My prayer is that the kids won’t view reading God’s word a chore but a joy! And we have fun – even if it’s face pulling and funny noises. If I can get just one point accross from the passage, we’re doing well. Those little sponges just soak up so much. And there it is – the challenge for me is to model Christs love to my family every minute of the day. It’s tough, please pray for me & challenge me.

    Great point Trev. Reading & praying with our wives is so important. It also helps us communicate to each other what is really on our hearts.

  6. pete says:

    Hey guys

    Talking about family Bible reading is a good place to start. The only thing we’ve done consistently is to read the Bible as the first book at story time before bed. We’ve got 4 different kids Bibles that we cycle through during the year and I think they appreciate the variety. We also often sing a song/lullaby together when they hop into bed – I always sing “Jesus loves me” but I was just thinking I could teach them new songs every now and then – a great way to help them to know scripture and Christian truth.

    I reckon another important front to address for blokes is that of character. Its probably easier for us to focus on behaviour (including important things like Bible reading) but we need to make sure that we also keep an eye on the development of godly character while of course acknowledging teh strong link between the two.

    One area of character that I’m peronally keen to get serious about is honesty – i.e. total truthfulness, weeding out all forms of dishonesty e.g. exaggeration, and other forms of manipulation of the truth, especially those based on an ends-justifies-the-means mentality.

  7. Trev Voltz says:

    I have been listening to Tony Payne’s Cd on Fatherhood which is from his book with the same name.
    This has been recomended in the past , well I am going to recommend it again.
    Its really a good read and easy listening. Tony has a really down to earth approach to this important topic but has not cut any corners to speaking the truth and his use of Gods word is spot on.
    I love listening to it even when driving to work at 2am. I think this book really fills in the gaps that Mark Driscoll missed. Its worth reading whether you have kids or not as it covers a big area on what we as men should be doing and a great image of God as our father and his love for us.

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