sharing the gospel with Roman Catholics

On Sunday we heard from Rachel Iedema about her life growing up in a Catholic family of 10 children and how through trusting in God’s Word rather than the Catholic Church with its traditions and rituals she found that salvation is through Christ alone.

There are some wonderful resources available for those wanting to learn about the issues that are involved with Catholics and how to share the gospel with them.

When Ray Galea submitted his life to Christ, he had a problem on his hands: Which church should he go to?

“I did not want to assume that just because I was born a Catholic, this was by definition the right choice. I knew I could just as easily have been born a Baptist or a Mormon. So I spent the next six months reading and talking to priests and ministers to find out the differences between Catholics and Protestants. How did each of their teachings compare with the teaching of Jesus and the apostles?”

This book is a kind of re-tracing of Ray’s investigation, looking at the key issues which continue to divide Protestants and Catholics, and assessing them in light of the teaching of Scripture. A challenging and invaluable book for Protestants and Catholics alike.


  1. Growing up Catholic
  2. Which Catholicism?
  3. Christ and the Mass
  4. The Bible and the Church
  5. The way of salvation
  6. It’s just grace
  7. Mary
  8. It is finished

Appendix: The new Catholicism

$16.95 from
Matthias Media
p 1800 814 360

here’s the intro you’ll find when you go to, followed by some great videos and info about other helpful resources…

Welcome to

The following has been written by Bible believing Christians to help people in the Catholic faith rightly understand salvation

When will you have certainty?
On our journey through life we face many challenges. Challenges to health, work, relationships, even challenges to our faith.

Life is a difficult journey. No matter what path you choose, danger and hardship are at every turn. And for many, the destination is uncertain.
We’d all like to be certain. Certain of who we are… that we’re loved. Most of all, certain of where we’re heading.

Who am I? Does God love me? Will I go to heaven?
Amidst uncertainty, people often turn to different religions for answers. It can be comforting to ‘do’ something. To participate in some religious activity to reassure us.

True Christianity, however, is very different from religion. Jesus offers himself as the only way into heaven describing himself as “the door” (The Bible – John chapter 10, verse 9). He says that anyone who listens to his voice and follows him will be saved. We need to respond to Jesus with a life that is changed, but we don’t need to ‘do’ good works or perform rituals to earn salvation. This is because Jesus has already done all that is necessary.

Jesus loves us and is always there for us. As our great high priest, who sympathises with our weaknesses, He is able to help us in our time of need (The Bible – Hebrews chapter 4, verses 14-16).

On the cross Jesus died to pay for the things we’ve done wrong. Three days later he rose again from the dead. If we trust in Jesus’ work at the cross we can be friends with God and be saved.

Posted in Uncategorised
5 comments on “sharing the gospel with Roman Catholics
  1. Barbara Jackson says:

    I read ‘Nothing in my Hands I bring’earlier this month. It is not a big book & very easy to understand.
    The history of some Catholic Rituals is explained very well with reference to what the Bible says.
    I attended the Catholic Church with my late husband but knew I would never become a Catholic. This book reinforced what I knew and gave me the history behind each ritual.

  2. Rachael says:

    I am heading down to the Koorong shop this arvo to see if they have a copy of ‘nothing in my hand I bring’.
    I had an awesome conversation, thanks to WYD, with my older brother a week or so ago (we were brought up in the Catholic church) about the differences between Catholocism and Christianity and I am going to send this book to him (he is not a Christian).
    If anyone has any suggestions on other books that might be helpful for him, please let me know.

  3. Rach that is so fantastic to hear about your brother. Will be praying that he reads Rays book and as he starts out on maybe a journey of discovering our amazing God. Romans in the Bible is (of course) great as well – its all about grace, grace, grace!! Cant get any better than that!

  4. Wow! I just realised that was my first blog. This is only the beginning!!

  5. Rachael says:

    Nice work on your first blog Rach! I’m glad that I could inspire it 🙂
    I couldn’t find the book at the Christian bookshop downtown, but will probably order it online.

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