Mission Week, Semester 2, 09!

You may have heard that last week was mission week at Southern Cross University. We had students from UTS Christian group, “CREDO”, come up and help the bible talks. It was a great week where people on campus heard that there was a group keen to tell people about the gospel and had opportunities to ask their questions and think about what their world view actually is.

Last Tuesday, we ran “Grill-a-Christian”, which is a question and answer time where anyone could ask a panel of Christians any question they had about God, Christianity and Jesus. It was great to see the number of people come along and stay to hear at least some of the questions and answers. A big thankyou to the panel – Katharine, James Ritchie, Paul Winch (Credo staff worker) and Josh Brown (Credo student)! They answered the questions clearly and gently so that the gospel was not only heard but seen in their manner of answer. Also a big thankyou to all the students who helped on the day and all who were praying for the event! Praise God for the seeds that were planted.

On the Thursday, we had another event where Ryan gave a talk raising the question of what is real and how the truth is found in Jesus. There were quite a few new contacts made and people who heard the gospel. It was encouraging to end the week with the reminder that all that we did on campus that week was for Jesus and to share the message of Jesus with people.

Please be praying for the students who came along to the events – that they will continue to ponder the message of Jesus and what truth and reality actually is.

Please be praying for the bible talks students – that they will continue to grow in their knowledge and love for Christ, that they may share that truth with their uni friends.

Please pray for Ryan, Katharine and my self as we begin the semester events and plan for our mid year conference (which is an opportunity for the students of SCU and University of New England to hear from God’s Word and have some fun!) – that we may continue to see that all that we do on campus is for Jesus and for God’s glory, instead of getting caught up in the busy-ness.

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One comment on “Mission Week, Semester 2, 09!
  1. peter y says:

    I had the opportunity to sit and watch the “Grill a Christian” event, and I have to say it was a great thing to see. There was much more people than the last few times it ran – a testimony to how hard the TBT team have worked in their promo work and invitations.

    I can’t actually think of another group of people who are going out into the community in Lismore to publicly and faithfully proclaim Jesus – keep it up!

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