Crazy Busy Resources


If you missed our “Crazy Busy” Equip night, you can catch up by listening to the audio here.

Another option would be to chat to a friend who was there and ask them what they got out of it – hopefully something!



This is a helpful video of Tim Chester speaking on the topic of work in relation to busyness.



  • Crazy Busy bookCrazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung

DeYoung’s subtitle is “a mercifully short book about a really big problem” – an honest evaluation on both counts. At 120 (fairly small) pages, it’d be possible to read the entire book in 2-3 hrs. Having said that, a better approach would be to take it a chapter at a time, maybe by setting aside 30 minutes once a week, so that you give the ideas time to percolate and sink in.

The bulk of the book is spent diagnosing and treating the following 7 problems behind much of our busyness

  1. Pride
  2. Unrealistic expectations
  3. Poor priorities
  4. Hyperactive parenting
  5. Screen addiction
  6. Neglect of rest
  7. Entitlement

If you think any of these might be issues for you, do yourself a favour and grab the book.

  • BCGB coverThe Busy Christians Guide to Busyness by Tim Chester

Tim Chester got in first (of this bunch) when he published this book back in 2006. It’s a slightly longer book than Crazy Busy but that’s because it goes deeper. Tim Chester is a master at gospel application and this book is no exception. Chester’s recipe for making the most of our time goes like this:

  1. Use your time efficiently
  2. Sort out your priorities
  3. Glorify God all the time
  4. Identify the desires of your heart that make you try to do more than God expects of you

It’s this fourth ingredient that takes up the majority of the book and it’s also Chester’s most valuable contribution – i.e. it’s what he does best. He suggests we may need to confront the idols behind the following reasons for our busyness and shows how to do so in a gospel-centred way:

  1. I’m busy because I need to prove myself
  2. I’m busy because of other people’s expectations
  3. I’m busy because otherwise things get out of control
  4. I’m busy because I prefer being under pressure
  5. I’m busy because I need the money
  6. I’m busy because I want to make the most of my life

Again, if any of these reasons are contributing to your busyness, this book could be just what you need to break free of your unhealthy busyness. Grab it here:


  • DMB coverDo More Better by Tim Challies

This book is a bit different to the first two and yet I’m finding it hard to put my finger on what’s the heart of the difference. I guess it’s that it focuses on the solution rather than on the problem. This is its strength as well as its weakness. But at only 120 pages, you can’t cover everything!

Do More Better includes lots of tools aimed at helping you to “do more better”. This may sound a bit clinical and sub-Christian but it needn’t be, as Challies says in his introduction – “I want you to do more of what matter most, and I want you to do it better”. As long as we’ve got a biblical definition of “what matters most” Challies is clearly aiming for a good goal.

If you like Challies’ book (or maybe to decide whether you will) you might want to check out is helfpul blog:

Posted in Off Home
2 comments on “Crazy Busy Resources
  1. Sarah says:

    Thanks Pete. And thanks for Tuesday. As always well thought, and lots to perculate on.
    If I were to buy one of the above which one would you recommend. Sarah

    • Pete Thompson says:

      Hi Sarah

      One of the first two. As to which one, I’d say it depends on your level of motivation. They’re both excellent and quite easy to read but Chester is longer and deeper and more explicitly gospel-centred.

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