Youth Convention ’09

Youth Convention was a bit different for me this year as it was the first time I had gone as a leader and not a youthie.  Although this gave me a different view of the weekend as a whole, it didn’t change how much I learned and how much I enjoyed it.  The activities were great and did a good job of tiring the youth out before bed time, but best of all were the talks and discussion groups.

Sam Chan was the speaker for ’09 and gave 4 talks from 1 Thessalonians on idolatry, sex, school, and living for the day that Jesus returns; all of which were impacting and engaging in a way that I hadn’t really encountered at YC before.  The way Sam spoke God’s word had many normally inattentive ears pricked and eager for more.

This gift of making the passages and concepts understandable to the youth at the convention was well used in showing that, whatever your struggle, be it idolatry, sexual temptation, the pain of school, or living for Jesus alone, having a true relationship with Jesus is the best and only way to get through it.

I could see during the discussion groups that many of the youth were challenged greatly by the talks and left with a better understanding of how to live as a follower of Jesus, as well as a stronger desire to have a much closer relationship with Jesus.

Brad Herd

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2 comments on “Youth Convention ’09
  1. Beccy C. says:

    I agree! YC was even better than last year, especially the music and discussion groups. The time warp party was great as well.
    I really enjoyed hanging out with the people from the other youth groups as well. Its really encouraging seeing so many other young christians
    sticking it out around the north coast.

    Only 362 days till YC10!!!!

  2. Simon Allery says:

    Thanks to everyone who made YC09 possible. It was a great weekend and I am greatly encouraged to read the word and learn more about JESUS…

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