Read Luke 23:26-34
Although he had been abandoned by his friends, as Jesus was being led out of the city to be crucified, many people gathered along the road and there Jesus met several people, including Simon from Cyrene, two criminals being led out with him and some women who were mourning for Jesus.
I’m amazed at Jesus’ concern for others at a time when anyone else would be thinking only of themselves – Jesus was as consistent in his love during his earthly life and ministry as he was in these dark days leading up to his death. He showed genuine compassion and concern for the people of Jerusalem – knowing the political unrest and destruction that was coming.
Among all of these people and as he hung on the cross between two criminals, even in his darkest hour, Jesus was a beautiful light dwelling among sinners in a dark world. The perfect son of God came into the world to dwell with us sinners – not to condemn us but to love us and offer forgiveness and salvation from the death we deserve for our sin.
I’m so thankful for the lengths he went to and his continual care and compassion for us.
“What gift of grace is Jesus, my redeemer!”
By Matt Crosthwaite (Gospel Community Vision Coordinator)
Reflection Questions
- How does the fact that Jesus was led out to die with “criminals” compare to the way that Jesus lived his life?
- How will you respond to the amazing grace of God? (By humbly accepting his grace, or squabbling over his stuff? – see verse 34)
- What is God’s gift of grace that will never pass?
- How does this passage give you confidence in Jesus’ love?
Family Around the Table
Look around you. What are his gifts of grace for you right now? Pray together giving thanks for all God has given you – recognising that every gift of God points us to the ultimate gift of salvation found only in Jesus!
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