Talk 1, Worship (Go Sunday)

Posted in Bible Talk
2 comments on “Talk 1, Worship (Go Sunday)
  1. David Roberts says:

    Hi everyone,

    I’d just like to ask others how they found doing the study on this week’s passage using the “Norwegian Bible Study Method”. We found it hard to spend time on all 7 parts, but it was very good at helping us get more out of the passage from the Bible. I did start our DNA meeting with a review of the Norwegian Bible Study method and a chat about what a DNA is (Discovering ea other’s lives, Nurturing ea other and Acting on what we’ve heard from God from his word) and why we have moved to having DNAs of 3 people, so normally we’ll have more time.

    The believers back then were so devoted that they spent a lot of time together praising God and sharing meals together, being devoted to the apostles teachings and had “everything in common”, yet we struggle to have the same sort of attitudes. How do others think we can develop this sort of attitude, love and devotion?

    • Mark Tirris says:

      Hi David,

      We didn’t get the times to go through all the points.

      But I really think it’s a good for us all to try to figure out the main meaning of the text.

      It does seem that in this particular text that the believer were very devoted and I’m sure they were. But I think it went up and down just like today. I think the believers today also have periods of being very devoted. I reckon believers at all times have struggled to stay highly devoted.
      I would suggest that believers continue to be taught (by leaders, each other, by ourselves from the Bible) the gospel – That God the father is angry with sin, that we deserve death for our sin, that Jesus stood in our place, that we need to repent and take up our cross, that the Spirit has been poured out to empower us to live for Jesus.

      What do you think?

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