Dear Church Family,
With profound and deep sadness, I inform you that Matt Crosthwaite will be finishing as the SCG Pastor at the end of 2022, as he is simply exhausted.
As you would all be aware our city has been through an extraordinarily taxing, difficult, and painful three years. This has taken its toll on so, so, so many people, and those people include Matt and Sue.
Matt has faithfully, diligently, and courageously led SCG for nearly 6 years. Over those years, an inordinate number of new faces have walked through the doors of SCG. Some of those people who were deeply invested in the life of SCG have gone on to theological college (like Sam and Lucy) or returned overseas (like some of the German sisters, who called SCG home).
Matt will continue to serve on Leadership Team (LT). He is a trusted gospel partner, a bold ambassador of Christ, and a true friend.
For some of you, this will not come as a surprise for you may have seen it in Matt’s demeanour in recent weeks – a weariness. For others, it will be a complete shock. Please know that our Leadership Team, Ministry and Mission NSW, and Reach Australia are supporting Matt, Sue, and the family.
If you wish to send well wishes, please do not ring or text Matt. Rather, consider writing a message of thanks and send it to thanksgiving@scpc.org.au
These beautiful messages will be presented to Matt and Sue and the family on December 18, for a special thanksgiving gathering to be held for SCG at 9am.
What Matt and Sue would desperately love are your prayers as they contemplate their future vocation. But, be mightily assured that the Gospel Word still burns bright within them and they retain that same passion, tenaciousness, and joy in growing followers of Jesus.
In Christ, the beautiful friend of sinners
On behalf of your Leadership Team