The Pastors’ Pen

Each year as a church we hold two Equip nights. 

These events are designed specifically for our church family. They’re intended to help establish and feed robust faith in us as individuals and in us as a community. From my perspective, ‘robust faith’ is the sort of faith that’s able to withstand the challenges that come from living in a secular world and being a fallen person, as well as being a type of faith that’s prepared to thoughtfully reach those around us with the gospel. 

The main way that we grow together in this sort of faith is through our Gospel Communities and Sunday gatherings, yet Equip nights enable us to drill down on a particular topic of relevance for us as a church family. 

In Term 1, Danny Ford visited from Sydney to speak on missional living. This term I will be speaking on the topic of doubt. It’s something we don’t talk about much, but doubt is a real challenge for many Christians (if not all of us at some point in our Christian journey).

How should we respond when we doubt? How can we help one another with this? Come along on August 22nd, 7:30pm, at Park Avenue to explore this topic more. 

Posted in Pastors Post