What a joy it was to spend a weekend with the Young Adults from SCPC recently at the Young Adults Weekend Away! All the ‘secret herbs and spices’ were in place – excellent Bible teaching from Jon Brown (from Charlestown Presbyterian), beautiful location at Brooms Head and finally a great, godly bunch of
young people from our church family.
This weekend away was the brainchild of our former senior pastor Pete Thompson – he knew how precious these young adults are and he wanted them resourced to be able to grow deep, healthy gospel- centred lives that bore fruit for the kingdom of God. This intensive weekend dislocated us from the many distractions that can engulf us and provides scope for God’s word to impact. Personally, I loved having time to be with our young adults without having to watch the clock to move to my next appointment. I am thankful they were willing to engage me and invite me into their movements (even if my approach to ‘social’ volleyball mirrored ‘Maverick and Goose’ from the first Top Gun movie from 1986)! They even put up with my alter ego ‘Magnus Du Plessis’ and my two recipes on how to ‘spice up’ Gospel Community life!
At Southern Cross, I’m desperate for us (like Pete before me) to invest in this crucial demography. I love the reflection of one of our Vision Coordinators who said “Southern Cross weekend ministries just about fell in a heap when our Young Adults were away!” so key are they to our kids and youth ministries over the weekend. What a precious jewel we have in our young adults! Have a listen to the speaker Jon reflect on his time with our Young Adults at Brooms Head:
“Although I only had the weekend to get to know the young adults at SCPC, I was very impressed. Putting aside their taste in country music, the word I’d use to describe them is ‘real’. Real faith in the Lord Jesus and a hunger for His word. A real sense of community and care for one another. And real potential when it comes to future leaders of the church. I left the camp encouraged that God is raising up a new generation of disciples to serve Him in Lismore City and beyond!“
Part of my role make up from 2023 is to provide oversight to our ministry of young adults. Something I am eager to continue to be creatively [1] involved with. However, in 2024 James and Amelia are considering a part-time MTS ministry apprenticeship. [2] If it goes ahead, part of their possible role could be to lead our Young Adults Leadership Group, under my supervision. What a privilege it is to be part of a church family that has mature, warm, gospel-centred young adults and also a church that has had a culture of raising of ministry apprentices from among their number. [3]
Would you join me in thanking our Father God for these beautiful young people in our lives? Why not invite a young adult from your Gospel Community around for dinner, feed them well, encourage them and let them inspire you from the book of Ruth and her journey from empty to full.
May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take
refuge. Ruth 2:12
[1] Due to my role as chairperson of Leadership Team, Committee of Management, and staff I find I cannot perform many hands-on roles.
[2] James/Amelia and Steve T are drafting applications for MTS Australia. Applications close October 2023.
[3] Over the last 25 years around 25% of the MTS apprentices in the Presbyterian Church of NSW have come from SCPC! Please continue to pray we would continue to have a harvest (Matthew 9:35-38)!