Summer Series – Joshua

Looking for strength this summer? Looking for courage?

Then we pray you are looking forward to our summer series in the book of Joshua. It is a fast-paced book; action, spies, scandal, battles, secrecy, and victory. It sounds like a blockbuster, and it is. But be warned, it comes with a confronting rating. There are some battle scenes that make us cringe, wince and look away. If you find it just too much to bear, can we encourage you to consider reading a paper by Christian Leader, Gary Millar, called Would the Real God Please Stand Up?: Violence, bloodshed and the Old Testament God. You can contact the office for the paper at It is a helpful, risky, confronting and yet painfully clear read. It might not answer all your questions on a difficult topic but should help you to at least re-engage God’s word, feeling more informed and perhaps stirred to meet the God of Joshua.

The book of Joshua is an epic, confronting and adventure-filled story. Our prayer is that at the end of the summer, you will be reminded of Mr Beaver’s words from C.S Lewis’ classic, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, as he informs Lucy of the nature of the King, Aslan:

“Safe?” said Mr Beaver. “Who said anything about safe? Of course he isn’t safe! But he’s good. He’s the King I tell you!”

Looking for strength? Looking for courage this summer? Please don’t look within yourself. Look out and look up at the King. For he is the one where victory is forever found.

Posted in General