The Pastors’ Pen

As many of you will know I was recently in Zimbabwe serving with the Central Church of Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). Thanks to those who were praying.

It was a fascinating visit seeing the truths of God’s word engage the heart of God’s people in a very different and difficult ministry context. As some of you would know, Zimbabwe has a complicated past and present. But leaders of the CCAP church requested our Aussie team provide lectures in how to preach the book of Revelation. A bold request and a challenging task!

But the students at the CCAP Theological College took up the challenge wonderfully. From the start of the week students were honestly sharing how the viewed the book of Revelation – fear, misunderstandings and anxiety. How generous of our Father God that by the end of the week so many of the students were saying that now when they think of the book of Revelation they think comfort, hope and the victory of the Lion/Lamb Jesus! SO encouraging!

It was also a delight to travel to the CCAP school thirty minutes north west of Harare to deliver 51kg of home readers which Wyrallah Road Public School donated to the school in Zimbabwe. There were lots of smiling faces.

My travels to Harare included a stopover in Dubai. I was kindly hosted by an Aussie family serving at Redeemer Church, Dubai. It was very unique to be in the UAE, it has such a fascinating modern history and so much has taken place there over the last 75 years.

The Aussies serving in Dubai are amazingly struck by the many, many, nations calling Dubai home (at least for a short time). Redeemer, and other evangelical churches like Dubai Fellowship led by Australians Ray and Sandy Galea (thanks to Ray and Sandy for taking me to a GP in Dubai after suffering from abdominal and back pain for a number of days of my trip – that wasn’t part of the plan!) are eager to disciple these nations that are coming to the UAE, that they might return to their country homes and make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples…

Finally, on my last morning in Harare, I was able to meet with Antony who is the leader of a fledgling MTS movement in Zimbabwe. Coincidentally, just before I left for Zimbabwe we received a letter from the National Director of MTS Australia asking SCPC to consider supporting MTS Zimbabwe for 5 years by contributing $5K each year. I had no idea this request was coming! I hope to bring this request to LT and CoM before bringing it before you all in a congregational meeting we will hold in this coming term related also to the employment of Merhawi. 

So, lots of things for me to reflect on and pray about. But what kept coming to bear for me following Celebration Sunday and my travels in the Middle East and Africa, was that grand vision when even creation joins in the thunderous song of the lamb, our servant king Jesus… 

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honour and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13


Posted in Pastors Post

The “Pastors’ Pen”

In light of both our pastors being away, in our Pastors’ Pen this week we get to meet Merhawi and his family…

First you might like to click here to read Stew’s Pastors’ Pen from early September. Now, let’s learn about Merhawi and his family…

Q: How many siblings do you have?
A: I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers and 1 brother who died in the war… so that makes 7!

Q: So Merhawi – hello! Now Merhawi isn’t a very common name. Where is it from?
A: Eritrea! You will probably have to Google that. 

Q: What was your first job?
A: I was a goat herder! But in Australia my first job was a sandwich artist at Subway. 

Q: How many places have you lived?
A: I was born in Eritrea and lived in a village in the countryside until I was 12. I then lived in Egypt for 2 years on my way to Australia. I lived in Brisbane for the first 5 years and high school (this qualifies me as a QLDer!), Sydney for Uni, Canberra for work and back to Sydney for Bible College!

Q: What did you study at Uni/do for work?
A: Aviation management! I wanted to be a pilot but HECS (government loan) wasn’t available so the next best option was management. I worked at the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in Canberra.

Q: Have you always been a follower of Jesus?
A: No. It was actually during Uni my housemate invited me to church. I went along. To my surprise, he asked me again the following week. This time, I was thinking, ‘wait, what was so special about church last week?’ But I went along on and off for 3 months. I was at church in one of those times and the Pastor explained sin. The words of Jesus confronted me: there will come a time I’ll give an account to my Creator for how I lived. I was confronted with the love of Jesus for people like me. So I started reading Jesus’ words for the first time. And by the end of my first year at uni I started to trust in, and follow, Jesus.

Q: And where in this sequence did you meet your lovely wife?
A: We met in 2015 at a conference in Tamworth (you can ask Ami for the detailed version). We have been married for 7 years and have 2 boys Jesse (4) and Ezra (2).

Q: Did you feel nervous quitting your job to go to Bible College?
A: Yes – in fact it took me a while to get to that point. 

Q: Why did you want to go into full time ministry?
A: I enjoyed serving at my church in different ways over the years while working. I’ve been keen to help God’s people apply the precious gospel to all of life as disciples of Jesus.

Q: What books have significantly shaped your walk with Jesus?
A: “Chosen by God” by RC Sproul; “Good and Angry” by David Powlison and “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hand” by Paul Tripp.

Q: What are some ways you like to relax?
A: Walking anywhere outdoors, reading a novel, running, basketball, watching Friday night footy (go the Broncos!)

Q: What would your wife say is your most annoying habit?
A: Going down too many rabbit holes when I’m telling a story such that I forget what I was talking about… this is what she says anyway. 

Q: What has been one challenge about Bible College?
A: It’s been a stretching experience – reading, writing, thinking, analysing on top of normal life can be tiring. 

Q: Is there something God has been teaching you over this time?
A: To hold my plans lightly and to be open to where he might direct each day. Being okay with not being as productive as I’d like but surrendering to His provision and care when I don’t meet my own expectations. 

Q: What are you looking forward to in 2025?
A: Not studying! And getting to know you guys at SCPC and serving alongside you. I’m also looking forward to life in Lismore and making it our home.

We are excited for you to meet Merhawi, Ami, Jesse and Ezra too and we look forward to seeing them toward the end of November.

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

It’s Celebration Sunday time! A time for us to reflect on what makes our own hearts sing as you think about life at SCPC. What makes your heart sing as we seek to grow followers of Jesus at SCPC?

Even if you missed your chance to fill in some hearts as we prepared for Sunday, why don’t you prepare your heart sometime this week to stop to think about what makes your heart sing. You might like to use one of the questions from our term series to fire your heart and emotions. If you are still struggling, reflect on the wonder of your salvation – that should get your heart singing!

Listen to this beautiful truth from Phillip Ryken:
Be assured we will not be declared innocent on the basis of your record. The only safety for all eternity is faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only person who is perfectly innocent, and his death in our place is the only hope of salvation there is. [1]

This Sunday we get to enjoy one extra question in our series – What is the Church?

Let me finish with these verses from 1 Peter 2:4-5…
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

A little secret for Sunday… What is the church? We are! Living stones!

Come on church, let’s celebrate!


Here are a few things to remember:

  • Please bring hearts ready to sing and hands ready to serve!
  • Please also bring a small plate of morning tea to share, a picnic rug or camping chairs, and a salad to share at lunch (with serving utensils).
  • We will provide sausages, bread, plates etc. If you are a vegetarian you can enjoy a selection of salads available on Sunday. There will also be cold drinks provided and, as usual, some ice blocks for dessert.

[1] Philip Ryken, Jesus on Trial, p 117.

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

As some of you will know, I am flying to Zimbabwe on September 24 to participate with a small team of Australians who will be serving the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. The focal point of the training is providing an intensive on biblical preaching at the Presbyterian Theological College in Harare. Planning was also in place to do a three-day elders preaching conference, which has now been removed from the program due to constraints from some members of the Australian team.

The intensive program has been run in the theological college for over a decade by Australian Presbyterians who have had a heart to see biblical doctrine transform a country that has been broken- hearted by false teaching. Over the last decade, with the establishment of local leaders and this external training, biblical truths have been strengthened to the point that the 2024 trip looks set to be the final intensive provided by Australians before handing the program over to national leaders. It is a privilege to be part of this final training program. My role at the college will be to work with smaller numbers of students in tutorial form in between the formal lectures. I still need to do preparatory work for this intensive, so prayer would be appreciated.

I hope to do some preparation in a stop-over in Dubai on the way to Zimbabwe. Through one of our GMPs at SCPC, I was able to make contact with a local leader who is part of Redeemer Dubai, a church planted in 2010 with a heartbeat similar to Redeemer Presbyterian church in New York City. In my stay in Dubai I have been invited to attend Gulf Theological Seminary and I have also aspired to make contact with some members of their pastoral team whose books [1] I have read and benefitted from.

This visit has been 12 months in the making, with family and friends sponsoring me to participate, yet now the moment is fast approaching. It has therefore been a harried month to ensure all is prepared abroad and back home with SCPC. Thus, I will be part of our great party at Celebration Sunday and then fly to Sydney on the Sunday night, ready for a briefing from the team leader on Monday in Sydney.

Here are some prayer points for my time:

  • Give thanks for the team at Redeemer Dubai who have warmly agreed to host me for my time
  • Pray for lessons learned at Gulf Theological Seminary, about how the gospel can intersect in our Global cities.
  • Pray that I might have the opportunity to have a meal with members of the pastoral team at
    Redeemer. (I have also sent a message to Australian Pastor Ray Galea, now serving at Dubai
    Fellowship, about the prospect of meeting.)
  • Pray that I would be adequately prepared for the intensive at Presbyterian Theological College in Harare.
  • Pray that the truths of God’s word would ward off false teaching and find a home in the hearts of African Pastors, that their hearts might sing in extravagant worship of Christ.


    Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Psalm 34:8-10


[1] Dave Furman is one of the pastors at Redeemer Dubai, he and his wife, Gloria, have both published books with Crossway books:

Posted in General, Pastors Post