The Pastors’ Pen

This is an edited version of my script from the Preliminary Information Session held last Sunday…

If you read last week’s TPP I answered the “How” of today’s Preliminary Information Session. However, to start our meeting today I would very quickly like to ask the “Why”? Why would we have ministry apprentices at SCPC? Because it’s our heartbeat and it’s our Lord’s heartbeat! Do you remember this –
35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:35-38

So, our king’s heart beats to see lost sheep found. He wants brave men and women to be workers in his harvest field. And I must tell you they are a rare and dying breed. Statistics from 2022 in North America suggest that following the pandemic, around 38% of pastors (nearly four out of every ten) wanted to quit. Not to mention in our denomination, over the next three years around 30 pastors are due to retire and there’s no one in the wings to replace them.

At the last MTS national conference I attended in 2019, I was talking to the National Training Director about the lower numbers of apprentices and men and women heading into theological college. One reason he felt for lower numbers of men putting up their hands to consider paid gospel ministry was the pandemic of pornography that is crippling godly men across the world, particularly in the West. He suggested that the guilt and shame of this hidden sin could so hamstring men, that they feel inadequate and completely ill-suited to the role because of this vice.

Now, I am not trying to be a ‘doomsday’ leader. Rather, I am just trying to help us understand, what is happening nationally regarding apprentices. So, is it a problem if we have not one apprentice, not two apprentices, not three apprentices, but also a fourth (in a volunteer capacity) in 2024? Is this a problem? Are we being greedy? Are we being irresponsible? Are we being opportunistic? I’ll take ‘door’ number three thanks – opportunistic!

Firstly, James and Amelia have lived a wild decade and then faced with the natural disaster last year
it was enough to cry out “mercy”. Yet, in God’s absolute kindness, He was at work through this couple in the midst of the mud and flood relief clean up. James very much spearheaded our networks of teams during the flood clean up. In a season of such weakness, these guys were a strength.

It was late last year, after witnessing this couple in action, I said “wow!” and gently asked if they’d ever thought about an apprenticeship. I think Amelia was shocked, thinking she’d faint at public speaking (or die after fainting). For her, a Ministry Apprentice was one who had a BiG voice and stood on a platform. We have been on a journey over the last twelve months colouring in the ‘million and one ways’ an apprentice can serve (in loud and in very quiet ways). So, how thrilled I was to see Jane Tooher (from Moore College) with her soft voice, speak so loudly about how much she loved Amelia and James. Chase too, was similarly impressed. Amelia and James get a big tick from me.

How does Steve Tilley fit into it? Steve was a part of the faithful core team that has been a backbone of SCG over the last six or seven years, and as we prepare for SCG to combine and continue on Febrary 4, 2024, we might think the job then is done. Not at all. The next 6 to 12 months will be critical for our outreach to Goonellabah. We don’t want to see some of the incredibly hard work somewhat undone. If new members to SCG fail to adequately transition, a number of the SCG church family will need much support, talking it out and encouragement to ‘stick in there’. That undertaking takes time, a lot of time. For Ritchie and I, as we aim to keep our heads above water and not become a statistic like above, trying to take on that pastoral load and need (though vitally important) would simply see us drown.

However, Steve is a seasoned Christian leader and so his apprenticeship will aim to reflect that ability. Rather than doing the traditional Academic Studies in Theology Certificate he will do a more rigorous and in-depth course at a Diploma level with a Diploma of Ministry (from the Australian College of Theology). A dream had been to see Steve follow his passion in mentoring by completing a Graduate Certificate in Christian Mentoring. Sadly, that requires him complete his Diploma first and we are working with academic deans to try to find him a suitable match. We think we can achieve that and that is exciting for his apprenticeship!

So, in the goodness and grace of God, Steve responded to an invitation by Leadership Team to consider completing an apprenticeship in 2024-2025 to help the transition of SCG – not just to see them make it across, but to actually thrive and see the heartbeat of their Gospel Community to Goonellabah, to really start (once again) cranking up their connection to their community in creative and thoughtful ways.

Steve to me is ‘Mr Reliable’, coming in a critical time of need. To be sure, he will also receive excellent training to help him not just in his ministry now, but in decades to come.

I will not recover this ground next Sunday, December 10. So, for anyone absent you may like to relay that information, as next week will do a very brief overview of the figures before putting the motion to a vote.

Please pray…

How your heart beats for the lost! So much so you are willing to leave 99 and go out to find that one lost!
Would you get our hearts to beat with the compassion you have, that people might come into the green pasture of Christ and find the Good Shepherd.
Father, thank you for ‘under shepherds’ like James, Amelia and Steve who remind of the Lord Jesus and who look to serve, not be served.
Grant us wisdom, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, compassion, and insight as we move through this process.

In Jesus’ name,

Posted in Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

This Sunday, December 3, we will have a Preliminary Information Session from 11:30am-12:15pm where we will be exploring the approval of the finances for two ministry apprentices (Amelia M and Steve T) in 2024-2025. You may have also heard that James M will be volunteering part-time in 2024-2025, including auditing some units from the Australian College of Theology.

You may be interested as to why are we only exploring the finances of these appointments and not their suitability. The suitability question is answered by our Leadership Team who are required to minute a motion endorsing these gospel partners before the Presbyterian Church of NSW (PCNSW) will accept their application. From here the applicants are interviewed by members of PCNSW along with their potential trainer. Therefore, that process is already in motion with Amelia and Steve both having interviewed over the last month.

However, our Committee of Management, along with Leadership Team, felt it was wise to have a congregational meeting on December 10 regarding the finances of the roles as they can lie somewhat hidden!

Hidden? What do I mean?

Our MTS apprentices aren’t actually paid by SCPC. In fact they receive a scholarship from MTS Australia which is generated from generous supporters who give directly to the apprentice’s portal. MTS then draws the funds from this portal to pay the apprentice. So, in some churches around Australia the suitability of the apprentice is endorsed by the leaders of their local church, but the funding for the apprenticeship rests with the potential apprentice (and not the local church).

SCPC’s first ministry apprentice was in 1999, and since then we have set aside funds to support our ministry apprentices. Even when changes to MTS were enacted in 2015 we continued this heritage. So, when we put on an apprentice you will not see money leave our account to pay the apprentice. Rather, it is the funds in the apprentice’s portal that funds them, and this is where the magic happens… Some generous folk from SCPC re-direct their general giving to the apprentice portal to match their annual requirement. Hence, it is this general giving that will be missing from our general account in 2024-2025, that we wanted to highlight to the church family. It might not look like SCPC is paying for our ministry apprentices as their funds come from MTS, but it is people from SCPC that direct their giving to MTS that makes it all happen!

Make sense? Maybe not! Since 2015 our two treasurers have been guiding this process and so they are much more eloquent in explaining this than I am! Please come this Sunday and hear from them! And hear about how your generous giving is fuelling our gospel heartbeat on the ground with ministry apprentices.

Finally, have a listen to the Apostle Paul in Philippians celebrate their gospel giving and partnership – it’s enough to make a gospel worker’s heart sing!
14  Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. 15  Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early
days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared
with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; 16  for even when I was in Thessalonica,
you sent me aid more than once when I was in need. Phil 4:12-16


Posted in General, Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

The Pastors’ Pen for this week is an edited script of what I announced on Sunday about 2024.

Our Heartbeat
The theme for next year is… Our Heartbeat. It will be all about our core business, what drives us, and what we’re passionate about as a church. There has been lots of upheaval and change over the past few years – covid and floods, and now Southern Cross Goonellabah and East Lismore will be combining from early next year. We really want to have everyone on the same page, with the same gospel heartbeat and a united focus on the core things of loving God, one another and the world.

Go! Sunday and 9:30am
Our year will really kick off on February 4 on Go Sunday. SCG will combine from that day. With SCG and East Lismore combining it will mean changes for everyone and we’ll need to be very considerate of one another in that. One of those changes will be that the new Sunday morning gathering time will be 9:30am (this was the time we met before SCG was planted).

Logo and Website
Another change will be our logo. The plan from Feb 4 is to have a new logo that reflects our shared gospel heartbeat. In the first half of next year, we’ll also launch a redesigned website, particularly with a view towards having it as a front door or window into our church family for those who might connect with us.

2024 Preaching Series
For our term preaching series next year, we’ll be starting off with Philippians in Term 1 – it’s a letter all about gospel partnership and I think a perfect way to begin the year. That will be followed by a core values series at the end of Term 1. Then, in Term 2 and 4 will be in Genesis, a very foundational book about the realities of sin, the nature of faith and the unstoppable promises of God. In Term 3 we’ll do a doctrine series on the core essentials of the Christian faith – What is the Bible? Who is God? and so on.

Off by Heart
Alongside the Our Heartbeat theme we’ll be aiming to have the word dwell richly in us through scripture memorisation.

2024 Equip Nights
The equip nights will also have an Our Heartbeat/core business angle as we look to re-emphasise some practices that have been absolutely central to SCPC’s ministry over the last 25 years. So there’ll be an equip night on 1-1 discipleship then another on speaking the gospel into everyday life.

Food for Thought
Also, each year we run an evangelistic event called Food for Thought. This year we had about 45-50 people come along who don’t yet trust in Jesus. One thing we’d love to do is give them an opportunity to keep exploring what it means to follow Jesus. So, next year following Food for Thought we’ll run a three-week course called Hope Explored. It’s put out by the same people who made Christianity explored.

2024 Reading List
For 2024 there’s also a reading list with some book recommendations. You can see them in the Vision Sunday email and more info about the books and how to order will come later.

Posted in General, Pastors Post

The Pastors’ Pen

This Friday night SCPC hosts the Northern Rivers youth night, YC1, at Lismore High School.

SCPC has been so critical in the successful hosting and fuelling of events like this. From leaders to logistics, SCPC fingerprints are all over an event like this and WE LOVE IT!

We love that our fantastic youth team can provide the resources and competencies to pull off a night like this. Through Ritchie and my involvement in the Northern Rivers Presbytery, we get to see the smile this puts on the faces of regional leaders. For instance, many churches have only a small number of youth in their church family. For some churches you may be able to count the number of youth they have on your hand. Therefore, these nights (while not too dissimilar to a normal week at youth for our teenagers) can be an eye-opener for others – these teenagers from smaller churches can see there are other youth on the Northern Rivers seeking to stay connected to Christ the vine.

Make no mistake, it’s not only the youth that are impacted but many of the youth leaders from the Northern Rivers look forward to a night like this – for the encouragement, the energy and the fact they don’t have to do the ‘heavy lifting’ on a night like this. Much of that ‘heavy lifting’ is done by our youth team and some of you who volunteer as parent or grandparent helpers.

So, if you are reading this as part of this Friday’s edition SCPC Life, would you consider praying for YC1. Pray that the youth of the Northern Rivers and their leaders would be spurred on by a night like this. Pray also for Cam (our brilliant Youth Coordinator) as he opens God’s word to explore the topic of redemption.

Finally, please pray for the ministry of SCPC that we would continue to make ministry to the next generation paramount in our future. The gospel is so precious we must pass it on to the next generation. So let me finish with that famous verse used by MTS to encourage us in passing on the gospel baton:
And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people
who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2


Posted in Pastors Post