A Meeting That Matters

I’ve never met anyone that loves meetings. But some meetings really do matter and can also be times of great progress and celebration. At 11:30am this Sunday at Lismore High, SCPC is having a congregational meeting to affirm the staff team model that we agreed upon last year and so to insert Stew Playsted’s name in the call documents. Once this has occurred, we will then proceed to Stew’s ordination and induction service at Park Ave on the 1st June, starting with a ‘bring and share’ dinner at 5:30pm (service at 7pm). This congregational meeting and the service that follows represent a significant step in the development of a staff team that is charged with the awesome privilege and responsibility of shepherding our fantastic church. Let me give you 5 good reasons to be there…

1. Your presence will be a sign of your love for Christ and his church
2. Your presence will help you to own this decision and so to submit to the faithful leadership of SCPC according to God’s word
3. Your presence will be a sign of your support for Stew and his family as they accept this important role
4. Your presence will assist in the timely fulfillment of the necessary procedural steps
5. Your presence will add to the unity of our church as we step forward in God’s mission together

It’d be great to see you there!

Posted in General

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