Spur Night
This Thursday, November 7th at Park Ave, MTS Spur night is a time to be challenged about considering full-time Gospel work and how you might play your part in Jesus call to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matt. 28:18-20). Tony Rowbotham the AFES senior staff worker at Griffith University on the Gold Coast will open up Gods word with us. It starts with dinner provided at 6pm.

Women’s Retreat
This Friday & Saturday SCPC & SCG ladies will be heading to Camp Koinonia at Evans Head for our Women’s Retreat for a very relaxing time with guest speaker Melinda Smith speaking on ‘Remaining in Jesus’. The Friday evening program commences at 5pm with dinner at 6pm. The Saturday program commences at 8:30am. If you haven’t registered yet, we’d love you to still come along for either or both sessions.

Youth from around the area will converge on Lismore High on Friday night 15th November from 6:30-9pm to hear an ‘out-of-this-world’ talk on relationships. Bring $5 for dinner.

Food for Thought
Join us for a night of good food and even better company as we consider the important question: is hope just wishful thinking? Jesus knew the importance of real hope and the tragedy of false hope. Come along to hear what he had to say on the topic and have friendly conversations about an idea that really matters. The venue is Lismore Heights Bowling Club on Tuesday 19th November, 6:30-9pm and the cost is $20.
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