Sunday 12th July 2020

Welcome! This is the third of our Sundays in transition. Today, a portion of our Morning Church family (Griffiths & Maxwell Gospel Communities) are taking their turn to meet at Park Avenue at 10am. And we are maintaining our online ZOOM scatterings for everyone else at 10am.
Night Church will be gathering at Park Avenue at 6pm.
Wherever you find yourself scattered or gathered, we pray you will be encouraged from God’s word throughout our 2020 Holiday series ‘Hard but Good’.
This Sunday we open to Matthew 18:21-35 to consider forgiveness: to forgive, we need to understand the incredible depth of our forgiveness . We’ll be asking the question: Do we truly understand the depth of our forgiveness?
To keep up to date with Church Family News & Prayer, click on the icon to the right.
Following, is all the information you will need to be able to benefit from our scatterings this Sunday.
Sunday Scattering Zoom link
Instructions for connecting to ZOOM for our Sunday Scatterings can be found in the attached document.
Click here to join the Zoom webinar from 9:30am or 5:30pm this Sunday 12th July 2020. Alternatively, when you open Zoom on your device, you can use the meeting ID: 657 139 469.
Kids Church
Hi kids!! WELCOME to our July holiday series “Words Jesus Spoke”. With the help of our friends from QUIZWORX, Matt & Scruff and friends, we’ll be checking out Jesus’ teaching from the “Sermon on the Mount” in the book of Matthew. TODAY is about “living differently in our attitude to hate!” Activity sheets can be downloaded below. Please contact the office if you are unable to access these.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact your Gospel Community Vision Coordinator or speak to a staff member.
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