Our Women’s Retreat is a wonderful opportunity for SCPC women and their friends to gather in a relaxed setting to hear God’s Word and spend some quality time together. We are unable to have an overnight camp this year, however, we have organised a delicious dinner catered by the Secret Chef for Friday night! Saturday’s food is all covered too (what a joy not to have to cook!) so all you really need to pack for the retreat are your car keys, a water bottle and your Bible!
This year we’ll be hearing from Stephanie Judd on “Encountering Christ” with 3 talks in John chapter 9.
Stephanie serves as Director of Ministry at City on a Hill, Melbourne. In addition to her role at City on a Hill, she preaches and teaches regularly at various events at conferences, and is a writer for The Gospel Coalition Australia. Stephanie is married to Andrew and together they have a four-year-old boy named Joshua, and a two-year girl called Chloe.