Growup: day 110

So much happening in the life of the psalmist and what are they clinging to? God’s grace in providing salvation. I think I have always missed the glimpses of grace that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. It has been a great encouragement to read these psalms.

Psalm 72 mentions the greatness of Solomon – his righteous judgment, his defence of the weak, his prosperity… but how does it end? The psalmist praises God for his marvellous deeds – that Him alone deserves praise because all the “greatness” of Solomon comes only from God.

Psalm 73 is something we can relate to – envying the wicked, seeing all their prosperity, seeing their health but there was no punishment for their blasphemy, no punishment for their pride… until their final destiny was understood. Without the firm foundation of Jesus, the ground of the wicked will crumble. The psalm is blunt about the final destiny of those who are far from God – they will perish. Without the salvation offered through Jesus dying on the cross (that takes us from being far from God to being near to God), judgment will fall…

This is a heavy end to a psalm… but it also should give us great joy in what God has given us in Jesus. Praise God that he has provided us a way to be near to him…

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