Today we’ve gone down to Donggang to visit Linda and her team. We caught a train and bus to get there. When we got to Linda’s we met a local pastor called Eddie. He was brought up in a non-Christian family that was very involved in idol worship. He came to faith when he was 15 through and American missionary and then after uni he decided to become a pastor. We had lunch with him and chatted more. Linda was very happy to see us. Tonight we are going to play a church planting game to give us an insight in what’s involved with planting a church. Excited! Mark

Hi Team!
Sounds like you guys are getting a crash-course in cross-cultural church planting over there! It’ll be great to catch up and catch your enthusiasm for gospel growth back here on home soil in a couple of weeks time.
In Christ
Hey team
What words would you use to describe your overall impressions of Taiwan, the Taiwanese people and gospel work in Taiwan?