Monthly Archives: January 2010

Growup: Day 28

Leviticus 1:1-4:35 I hope you are traveling alright and are getting through ya reading. To be honest I have fallen behind a little and need to catch up. Not the worlds fastest reader but keen to make it to the

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Growup: day 27

I don’t know about you but these last few chapters have been a struggle – my big question has been why? Why are all these instructions in the bible? Well, yesterday Pete floated the theory about the Word of God

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Growup: Day 26

Exodus 34:1-37:16 Repetition – it can get a bit boring, can’t it? Repetition – it can get a bit boring, can’t it? So why does God seem to be so BIG on repetition. Is he TRYING to make reading his

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Mercy Today (original song by peter yock)

I’ve written a new song for SCPC to sing as we meditate on 1 Timothy together, it’s called ‘mercy today’. it’s about the mercy found in Christ, the perfect one, who came to the world to save sinners like me.

Posted in Music